Endurance 12/10/2018

Today, the endurance work was five rounds of 12 calorie bike and 10 kettlebell swings at 70lb (this is the heaviest that I had, if you have more than that, go for it).

To build the endurance and decrease the need for rest, my coach told me to rest only 45 seconds between rounds. After the first three rounds, I was going too much slower on the bike. I decided to increase the rest to 90 seconds so that I keep going as hard as possible on the bike.

Afterward, I was D-E-A-D.

Happy Burpees!!


El dia de hoy, la rutina para la resistencia consta de 5 rondas de 12 calorias en la bicicleta y 10 kettlebell swings con 70 lbs (esta es la mas pesada que tengo, si tienen mas que eso, adelante).

Para aumentar la resistencia y reducir el descanso, mi coach me dijo que descansara solo 45 segundos entre rondas. Despues de tres rondas, estuve mas lento en la bicicleta. Decidi aumentar el descanso a 90 segundos, de este modo, pude mantener mas resistencia en la bicicleta.

Despues, quede M-U-E-R-T-O.

Felices Burpees!!
