
Hi Crossfitters!!

I hope you are having a good starting this weekend. Today we did Stegasaurus (AMRAP 14 minutes), here we have to do 15 Wall balls (20/14 lbs), 12 Power Cleans (95/65 lbs), 10 Toes to bar and 8 Handstand push-ups. In this Metcon, I made 208 reps (4 rounds + 28 reps). Try it, and share your record.

If you will do something different, share with us leaving your comment about your WOD and what was your record!!

Happy Burpees!!


Hola Crosffiteros!!

Espero que esten teniendo un buen inicio de fin de semana. El dia de hoy hicimos Stegasaurus (AMRAP 14 minutes), aqui tenemos que hacer 15 Wall balls (20/14 lbs), 12 Power Cleans (95/65 lbs), 10 Toes to bar y 8 Handstand push-ups. En este Metcon, hice 208 repeticiones (4 rondas y 28 reps). Intentelo, y compartan su registro.

Si haran algo diferente, compartanlo con nosotros dejando su comentario acerca de su WOD y cual fue su registro!!

Felices Burpees!!
